Please register your interest by entering a few basic details below. There is no cost and no commitment.

Please note you will be asked to load a photo (or scan) of your badge, and a photo (or scan) of your DVLA photo driving licence (maximum image size 5MB)

All information provided will be stored securely and treated as confidential, in accordance with RGL’s Privacy Policy.

NB: Time is now running out. Please register as soon as possible.
As soon as you’ve registered we’ll email confirmation of the details you’ve entered. Please check them.
Then if you want to continue, you will need to read, understand and sign your Litigation Management Agreement (LMA) when we email it to you in the next few days. Without this we will not be able to progress a claim on your behalf.
At this late stage, you will also have to provide anything else we ask for as quickly as possible. Thank you.

BULit21 Registration

About you

Enter Email
Please type email address again to confirm
Format: DD/MM/YYYY

About you as a Black Cab Driver

(if you are retired, please enter your latest badge number)
Are you/were you an owner driver *
Badge type *
In each of the following years did you drive black cab full-time or part-time?
Are you still a black cab driver? *
Are you already signed up to a legal agreement with any other group action relating to Uber? *
Please upload a photograph of your badge here (maximum image size 5 MB) *
Maximum upload size: 5MB
(If you are retired, and no longer have your badge, please upload a head and shoulders photo of yourself).
Please upload a photograph of your DVLA photo driving licence here (maximum image size 5MB) *
Maximum upload size: 5MB
(We may ask you to upload a photo of your TfL licence, but not until later in the process).
Please view, print or save the privacy policy